By Rose Pedenko and Tanya Simon

Something is cooking, and it smells like fresh-baked GOPie.
2008 isn't even here yet and the Iowa corn is already popping. Republicans have an opportunity to change the main ingredients to their stock and base that will give them a fresh, crisp (s)tart. Or, perhaps the "spice" of the GOP can be blended anew into a stock-to-your-ribs strategy that will once again unite the party, and ensure a rise to victory in the next Presidential election.
It's never too early to sow the seeds necessary to win in 2008. The key ingredients are already on the party table. We simply need to sift together the parts that have been diluted or missing for too long with our well-seasoned principles.
Let's take a look at what we need to bulk up:
Ingredients and Amount:
Truthfulness = Full measure
Integrity = Full measure
Fearlessness = Full measure
Leadership = Full measure
Experience = Full measure
Secure Borders = Full measure
Limited Government = Full measure
a dash of Rudy ... a pinch of Fred ... 1 tbsp. of [p]iss and vinegar
Skim off the McCain and bake at 98.6 degrees for 17 months, and let stand for 4 years.
This is the mix of organically grown political ingredients for a Mitt Romney/New Gingrich ticket -- the "slice of American Pie," which will renew and sustain mouth-watering freedom for all U.S. citizens and legal immigrants.
Pie in the sky, you say? Why, you ask, do we count our eggs before they're hatched, baked and dished up?
Newt Gingrich recently said: "...But we hire leaders to change reality to fit our values, not to change our values to fit their failures."
It follows that, as a party, we must use our best ingredients for leaders and not cheesy substitutes in order to win at all costs. We watched that strategy fail in California when Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor of the state over Tom McClintock, the true conservative.
With his premium leadership quality, Mitt Romney becomes the perfect filling for the post of President of the United States. Pundits criticize him about being beholden to corporate greasing. But it won't stick, because Romney already made his dough, not to mention he's a Harvard Baker Scholar. The sooner they poke holes in campaign, the faster the steam will be released. Critics chop, slice, beat and spread lies about his intentions, but the combined ingredients will rise to the occasion. Romney can dish with the best of his critics and sweeten the rhetoric with his disarming sense of humor. And, unlike the corporate globalists, he will not replace our tradition of American Apple Pie with Chinese Fortune Cookies.
Newt's experience is the formidable layer that will keep our GOPie from collapsing before it's done. There was nothing flaky about his "Contract with America"; it served time and again to strengthen the party and family tradition of GOPie. Newt is the "ready-to-serve" part of this recipe.
Why ask Speaker Gingrich to fill the number two spot on the ticket? He is the starch that will toughen the party and hold it together. He could create the most powerful Vice Presidency in U.S. history. His "American Solutions for Winning the Future" will ferment in the minds of his detractors and serve to make the next Presidential election appetizing for conservatives, and more palatable to Democrats.
In a field of "open borders" candidates among the current top tier, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are the only two candidates who seem to understand that just because the apples are picked by migrant illegals does not mean they are legally entitled to a piece of the taxpayers' pie.
We want to serve our GOPie a la conservative mode, and that will take a Romney/Gingrich recipe.
Bon appetit!