The Left are systematically and purposely razoring our national traditions, and using the Constitution as a napkin to wipe their twisted mouths with.
If Democrat Ellison wants to take his oath on the Koran, let him ... as long as it's not in the United States of America. How about Syria? or Iran? I'm sure he'd be welcomed with open arms in either of those countries.
Someone has to put his foot down on this one, because this squirrel is personally weary of seeing so many of our traditions stomped on (i.e., Christmas carols, saying 'Merry Christmas;' school prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance; men and boys not removing their caps at ballgames when our National Anthem is played, etc., etc.). These have all been branded by the Left as "evil" or "unacceptable" or, worse, "un-Constitutional."
The state of affairs is not great right now, but now is not the time to kick ourselves when we're down. Besides, everyone seems to be forgetting that there are those other muslims who have made it their career to kill as many "infidels" (that's you and me, folks) that they possibly can -- specifically, Christians and Jews.
Whoever isn't happy with the way things are run here in America (and God knows, we're far from perfect, but still supremely better than the other nations on this planet), you should just pack up and shove off ... maybe spend a weekend basking in the sun at the Tehran Hilton.
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